Saturday, September 20, 2008

Growing up...

Growing up...
Growing up...

well.. i live in a smell town called Los molinos, i have lived here for most of my life.. almost 14 years.. people ask me alot if i hate it here.. because we have to drive so far to get places extra.. but the truth is i love it here! i have learn sooo much growing up here.Alot of which teens my age no longer have.. for one thing i would have never meet my Grandparents! Hank, bonnie and bill are no long with use but i love them and miss them more than anything!! I have learned respect for my elders and that's BIG!! so many kids are rude and are not kind to them.. i could keep going but you Hopefully get my point.. i have also realize that all though i share a room with my little brother, and i cant always go, do or get what i want, that's life and god had a reason a plan for us, there is a reason that we are here.. so many people get all up in the moment that they don't stop to look around them and take it in.. i can do that here i love it... i don't have alot but yet, I have ever thing that matters! family, friends a home , oooo AND FOOOD LOL!!! so i have grown and learned and became me right here in HICKS TOWN lol ((((=
**Ima a PROUD Los Molinos COWGIRL!!!** lol
Janay C. Kramer

1 comment:

Kendrea Farias Neufeld said...

HEy Janay I had no clue u had a blog.... it's so cute I will be checkin in for updates!!! Love you