Sunday, December 27, 2009

Just Me

Well, New year's is almost here. I'm so excited! Although it seems like I was just getting to see 2009, 2010 is here weather I'm ready or not! I'm in college & high school,I'm starting to drive and I'm going to try and get a job and I will be 17... Wow!!

God has been good to me and my family, and I very grateful for it! I have the best parents, friends and family and church!

I love you- Dad, Mom, Jared, Joshua, and Garrett.

And my Friends- Alayna, Roza, Janay G., Becca H., Rebecca, Brenda, Krystal, Gentry, Drew, Anthony, Elizabeth, Erica, Jenn, Alice, Kearsti, Stacy, Lacy- Whew if I didn't get your name sorry! This is what came to my mind first lol I love you to (=

My Uncle's and aunt's- Nana and Papa- Grandma Jocie, and Lowis.

I love you all, Happy New Year's!!!!

Janay Kramer

1 comment:

~kika said...

hey hun!just thought id check yr blog out