Thursday, February 19, 2009

Growing Up 6=

I was an angle... i never got into things i shouldn't have... i always listened to my parents... i minded my own ways..WHICH was do whatever i wanted to (=

Its funny to look back at what you use to look like and some of the things you as a little kid use to make a big deal out of... like who liked who and how i want my hair lol.. theirs allot of learning and joy, fun and crying. but all in all god has blessed me and my family so much! yes life seems so hard sometimes. because I share a room and I don't 'Get' all that I want extra extra..but when I comes down to it, I wouldn't give this up for the world! my family is very close and we love each other care more then ever "although sometimes you wouldn't know. ha ha jk" my life is something so many people who SEEM to have ever thing would triad for.. Its so cool to see our church grow from 10 people or so to now almost 200 6= god is moving and doing so many wonderful things in our church and my life.. I am truly blessed to be able to be apart of it!! Their is so much I can say.. but word Will never be able to explain how lucky am to know and love each and every one of my friends and family! and most of all GOD! I love you GUYS!


1 comment:

Mridul said...

I was in mood to browse random blog and ur thanks to my family blog :-) lucky u....