Monday, February 16, 2009

HappY BiRthDay tOOO ME!!! ♥♥

♥Finally 16! lol I'm loving it! i love you all. and mostly my parents for putting up with me lol I'm a piece of work *so I've hard lol* thank you so much you guys mean the world to me... words can not explain how much you guys mean to me...!! i have become who i am with the help, love and compassion from you guys and i hope that i become and grow up to be like the two of you!♥

Things i would take from my parents:♥

♥My Dad.. i would take the abilitie to deal with money and love my spouse the way he loves my mom...

♥My Mom... her abilitie to take each day and live it as a new... her forgiving ways and the way she handles each and ever thing that comes to her... her loving and care, helping, and her way to always be my mother but also be my best friend...

♥From Both... their way to still love me no matter how many times i may fall. they still care and have open arms to grab me n keep me safe. when ever i hit a place that i don't know where i am going to go from there... i know i can run to them and that they will always have a place for me...

♥I love you!♥

♥♥Happy Birthday to me!!♥♥


Kendrea Farias Neufeld said...

Your an awesome girl and friend, We are all so lucky to know you. You always have a smile on your face and never let anything bring you down (in front of people :) Your a very sweet and loving girl & I hope you always stay that way! Love you lots Janay

黒沢みつよ said...

I use ""to find your blog.
Hmm...I'm Kaiba Hiroki(海馬浩樹)。

Happy birthday.(^-^)/

Rustyn and Lisa Sorah said...

Hey Janay! I didn't know you had a's ADORABLE! Happy birthday to you

ツMiss Janayツ said...

Thank you sooo much! your words mean very much to me! I love you guys to!